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[RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT] Innovate Operational Risk Management with Digital Technologies

The potential of operational risks to impact safety, productivity, and quality (either positively or negatively) is well-recognized. Yet, our research shows that the Operational Risk Management (ORM) processes and systems used to manage these risks generally aren’t up to the task. A big part of the solution is the innovative application of Industry 4.0 digital technologies to enable next-generation ORM: Intelligent Risk Management (IRM).
EHS 4.0 Enterprise Risk

In this second Research Spotlight of our series on EHS 4.0, entitled, "Innovate Operational Risk Management with Digital Technologies," we examine how industrial organizations are using the digital technologies of Industrial Transformation (IX) to manage EHS-related operational risk in new and better ways. You'll learn:

  • Why most companies are deficient in their efforts to manage operational risk
  • How digital technologies of IX and EHS 4.0 can enable a shift to predictive risk management
  • The link between risk management best practices and operational performance

In addition, you'll gain pragmatic, valuable insights into how you can best manage Operational Risk Management within your own organization by taking advantage of digital technologies. 

Author Name: Peter Bussey
Date: Aug 11, 2021

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