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[RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT] How Digital Twins of Assets, Factories, and Supply Chains are Critical for Agility and Resiliency

LNS Research benchmark data shows that much of the value of Industrial Transformation (IX) comes from using new digital technologies to optimize across value chain silos that were previously sub-optimized locally. Unfortunately, most industrial companies don’t take this approach, rather they digitize within existing silos, further sub-optimizing; leading to many challenging outcomes like failed business cases and pilots that fail to scale. So why do so many industrials choose to sub-optimize, even when the tools now exist to optimize holistically across the value chain? Because change (i.e., transformation) is hard.plane

In our recent research on Agile Operations and Resilient Supply Chains, we show how increases in Factory of the Future maturity provides outsized performance benefits in supply chain and engineering metrics. In this new research, we will show how breaking down traditional silos across the value chain are critical to capturing these performance benefits and how Digital Twins - supported by a common industrial
data model - can support these architectural shifts.

In this Research Spotlight, you'll learn:

• Why manufacturers need to redefine Digital Twin within the value chain.
• The importance of using a common industrial data model and how to move from an
   application-centric to a data-centric architecture.
• How to optimize the full value chain, not just sub-optimize functional blocks.
• Actionable recommendations to improve operational agility and increase your supply  chain's resiliency.

Download this Research Spotlight for complete details.

Author Name: Matthew Littlefield
Date: Jan 29, 2021

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