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Q2 2021 - Executive Roundtable: Industrial Transformation Success via IX Leaders

In LNS Research's second quarterly Executive Roundtable of the year, Principal Analyst Tom Comstock discussed Industrial Transformation Success that IX Leaders are experiencing. In this invite-only, collaborative event for LNS Research Members, we addressed how Industrial Transformation (IX) may be about the application of digital technologies, but people are the key to success. During this discussion, Tom answered the following questions:

Q2 2021 Executive Roundtable Opening Slide • What are the different teams’ structure and governance models to scale IX?
• What kind of skills are needed and where should organizations get such talent/skills?
• Who should lead the Industrial Transformation program and what should be the team size?
• How do you create a positive governance culture?
• How are IX leaders approaching IT and OT convergence and what capabilities are leaders implementing?
• How is plant leadership engaging in IX and what are the different funding models?

The Executive Roundtable also included insights from new research and contributions from Roundtable participants to provide recommendations around:

• IX Program Leadership
• How to build an effective IX Program Team
• Maximizing the IX Program Team’s impact across the organization
• Tools and techniques to get engagement from across the corporation
• Moving from an IX Program to a Transformation Culture
• IT/OT Organizational alignment

Here, you can download the presented content.
Author Name: Tom Comstock
Date: Jun 24, 2021

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