Research Library

[Transformation Blueprint] For Unified Performance Excellence (UPX)

The Improvement and Innovation Engine for Industrial Operations

Manufacturing leaders continue to face the existential threat of a negative feedback loop driven by simultaneous labor and productivity crises. Tenure, time-in-position, and turnover of the frontlines have worsened by more than 75% at many sites, dramatically impacting safety, quality, and productivity. Yet CEOs and boards expect the same level of performance and continuous improvement (CI) as delivered pre-pandemic. Unfortunately, for 92% of industrial companies, these expectations are not based on reality.

This LNS Research Transformational Blueprint provides Heads of Operations with a template for executing a modernized strategy to address operation challenges by cultivating a culture of excellence through a holistic, innovative approach to intelligent risk management and digital performance.

LNS Research's Unified Performance Excellence (UPX) Framework

Download the full Transformation Blueprint below to explore:

  • How Productivity Pathfinder companies have transformed their operations through a differentiated strategy that spans the end-to-end value chain.
  • How to align and modernize traditional continuous improvement toolkits & management systems with the growing demand for digital to create a Culture of Excellence.
  • Why it's critical to extend Intelligent Risk Management into your new Performance Excellence programs and how to build it into the Industrial Transformation Architecture.
  • What to consider, and where to start when deciding to start your digitizing efforts.
Author Name: James Wells
Date: Mar 29, 2024

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