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[The IX Event 2023] Building Operational Architectures Roundtable Presentation Slides

Building Operational Architectures to Achieve Your Business Objectives Roundtable Presentation Slides

In the face of increasing demands and budget constraints, CIOs are tasked with building operational architectures that align with business objectives. Unfortunately, however, many fail at this task.

In this industry roundtable, LNS Research Principal Analyst Niels Andersen, joined by executive leaders from Baxter international, Sub-Zero, and John Deere share best practices and strategies to help fellow industrial leaders discover how to leverage tech offerings to develop scalable, future-proof architectures. Don't miss this chance to learn from industry leaders and contribute to your organization's future.

Access the content presented during this Roundtable session below to learn from industry leaders and contribute to your organization's future.
Author Name: Niels Andersen
Date: Oct 18, 2023

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