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[The IX Event 2022] IX Leaders Roundtable, Presentation Slides

LNS Research data shows approximately 50% of industrial enterprises have embarked on an Industrial Transformation journey. More importantly, these IX leaders that are directing and working toward transformation have found very real benefits in the form of increased revenues, lowered Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), and increased operating margins. But, these successes have put pressure on the rest of manufacturers to stop dabbling with IX and rather build a value creation engine in the form of a real IX Program. IX Leaders have the responsibility of doing this while engaging key areas of the organization, employing the right technology, and incorporating key analytics, while managing important business challenges along the way.

In this Roundtable, we will collaborate with Industrial Transformation Leaders to discuss early wins, organizational obstacles to IX and how to overcome them, and best practices for keeping the IX journey moving forward with success. We’ll discuss:

• What IX Leaders are doing different than followers
• The four stages of Industrial Transformation and what IX Leaders need to accomplish within each stage
• How to cross the Transformation Chasm so you don’t get stuck in early stages
• The ROI of Industrial Transformation and how to maximize it for your organization
• The key organizational collaborators you must include in your IX journey – there’s more than you may think
• The key analytics you need to build into your IX Program
• What business challenges are working against your IX success and how to navigate them

Listen in on the transformation conversation and make sure your IX journey is on track by hearing what additional leaders from a variety of industry leading manufacturers have to say.

Here, you can download the presentation slides for this session.
Author Name: Allison Kuhn
Date: Oct 19, 2022

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