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[RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT] Leverage Tech Like a Pro: Lessons from Industrial Transformation Leaders

The data is clear. More and more companies are engaging in Industrial Transformation (IX) and a select few are finding very real benefit in the form of:

 Increased revenues,
 Lowered Cost of Goods Sold (COGS),
 Increased operating margins.

People, Process, and Technology all must be aligned to deliver transformation success.

This research builds on earlier Research Spotlights covering people and process to focus on key technology trends and best practices in Industrial Transformation (IX).

The select few IX Leaders are realizing significant benefits from their IX programs, while most programs have not yet delivered any value. IX Leaders are realizing dramatic improvements to the financial performance of the company and delivering significant improvement in key operational metrics, including improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness, New Product Introduction, and reducing defects per million.

IX Program Strategy Foucs

In this Research Spotlight we derive findings from LNS Research-conducted global surveys and our experiences advising manufacturers to specifically cover:

🔸 The definition of, and benefits from, IX
🔸 Key technology trends across IX
🔸 Seven IX Best Practices across technology
🔸 Recommendations for industrials

Download the full Research spotlight below.
Author Name: Tom Comstock
Date: Aug 29, 2023

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