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[RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT] Digital Continuous Improvement in Complex Discrete Manufacturing

The industry pressures on complex discrete manufacturers, including Aerospace and Defense, continue to build – dramatically fluctuating demand in the A&D marketplace requires tremendous manufacturer flexibility. Yet, at the same time, containing costs remains a constant, critical objective. To combat these pressures, digital continuous improvement is more important than ever to the Industrial Transformation (IX) success of complex discrete manufacturers. Digital Lean in Complex Discrete Industry

As part of our continuing series on digital continuous improvement within the IX journey,  LNS Research has defined five levels of manufacturing programs used to drive CI. In our latest Research Spotlight, we focus on digital continuous improvement as it pertains to the unique challenges of complex discrete manufacturing.  Download this report to discover: 

  • How Aerospace and Defense manufacturers are faring compared to IX Leaders and what unique challenges they are facing.
  • What Industrial Transformation Leaders do differently than Followers within digital continuous improvement and how you can maximize your tools for success.
  • What complex discrete manufacturers must consider within the wider context of IX when implementing lean tools and the importance of Data & MES. 
  • Why A&D manufacturers need to cross the chasm of Industrial Transformation and how they can do so to improve their IX journey.

Most importantly, this Research Spotlight will provide you with actionable recommendations to further your organization's Industrial Transformation (IX) utilizing digital continuous improvement.

Here, you can download the full research report.

Author Name: Andrew Hughes
Date: Jan 14, 2022

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