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[RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT] Bring the Whole Manufacturing Network Along on Your Industrial Transformation Journey

Pundits, management consultants, and even non-profits advocate using “lighthouse plants” as the cornerstone of an Industrial Strategy that will drive Transformation across the manufacturing network. However, LNS Research studies show Industrial Transformation (IX) Leaders realizing “dramatic results” from their overall industrial strategy are 30% less likely to be implementing a Lighthouse strategy than Followers.

IX Leaders are 25% more likely than Followers to build Industrial Transformation CenterIn fact, at LNS Research, we have concluded that one of the seven best practices associated with Industrial Transformation Leaders is that they bring the whole manufacturing network along rather than focusing primarily on “lighthouse plants.” The bottom line for manufacturers is Industrial Transformation is paying off for Leaders, and it is no longer optional.

Download this Spotlight Report to learn:

•  What a Lighthouse Strategy is, when it make sense, and what the limitations are.

•  Four reasons the Lighthouse strategy is not correlated with IX Leadership. 

•  How Leaders leverage Virtual Centers of Excellence as an alternative approach to pull along the whole manufacturing network while providing better support.

•  Proven best practices for driving change, managing knowledge, and scaling technology as you mature.

Click the button below now to gain access to the research.

Author Name: Tom Comstock
Date: Jun 3, 2024

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