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[LinkedIn Event] Unified Performance Excellence: Integrate CI, Workforce, and Digital Programs - Presentation Slides

Heads of Manufacturing Operations are facing many formidable challenges in today's fast-paced industrial environment, including:

• A dramatic decrease in frontline workforce tenure and time-in-position
• A dramatic increase in geopolitical, economic, brand, and supply chain risks
• Stalling momentum in digital manufacturing initiatives

Threats to the sustainment of operations are many, fast-moving, and highly variable.

Traditional approaches to continuous improvement have hit a brick wall in creating step change productivity gains and are consistently showing diminished ROI. Industrial organizations that do not adapt risk real failure.

It's critical for heads of Operations to break out of traditional, tired management methods and move away from pre-Industry 4.0 Performance Excellence programs beholden to highly specialized knowledge, long learning cycles, a shrinking labor pool, and slow results. Rather, it's time to embrace Unified Performance Excellence (UPX).

UPX transforms the practice of Performance Excellence from a policy and procedure-driven manual activity to a holistic, digitally embedded approach, encompassing all aspects of operational agility, flexibility, and resilience.

Learn with LNS Research's James Wells, Research Analyst, and Matthew Littlefield, President and Research Leader, as they present our latest findings on UPX and discuss best practices for embedding intelligent risk management and advanced analytics in decision-making approaches to achieve step change safety, quality, environmental, and productivity gains.

Unified Performance Excellence, Integrate Continuous Improvement, Workforce, and Digital Programs

Leverage this valuable session where we cover:

• Business Objectives and Strategic Initiatives in a Dynamic Environment
• Operational Architecture and How to Adapt Risk Management
• Scaling Solutions and Platforms
• Digitizing Processes and Digital Twins

Best of all, we provide you with recommendations on next steps and how you can increase your productivity and ROI with a Unified Performance Excellence program. We conclude by answering questions from our audience members.

Download the presentation slides from this event below.
Author Name: Matthew Littlefield & James Wells
Date: Feb 1, 2024

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