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[eBook] GETTING TO MINING 2020 TODAY: Capturing the Industry 4.0 Payoff

Today, the mining, minerals and metals industry faces some of its greatest challenges ever. While a few mining sectors anticipate some growth over the next five years, a significant portion of the industry expects moderate to flat growth, despite global population increases coupled with a growing economic consumer class. As a result, the industry must change and adopt new operating modes and technologies, or face a very uncertain future.

The mining, minerals and metals industry is highly asset-intensive, making asset performance management (APM) critical to achieving profitable and optimum operations.

Read this ebook to learn:

  • How mining companies can accelerate Digital Transformation by following a systematic APM approach and partnering with the right vendors
  • What does Industry 4.0 principles offer the mining sector
  • What is mining 2020 and how to achieve it today
  • How to attract next-gen workforce in mining
  • Analyst recommendations for the mining industry to secure their future in the digital world
Author Name: Dan Miklovic
Date: Aug 27, 2018

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