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[eBook] APM 4.0 Shifts Into Second Gear

Today, new opportunities and advanced technologies such as Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Cloud, Digital Twins, and advanced analytics have turned asset performance management (APM) into a disruptive set of technologies that can raise the performance and availability of all types of assets. To understand the future of APM, users in the market must have a clear understanding and definition of APM 4.0.Early adopters of the APM 4.0 paradigm have achieved lower operational costs because of better asset reliability, longer asset life, and improved performance.
Analytics Framework

This report addresses several APM trends, spotlights what’s working and what’s not, and provides guidance and direction on the right path forward. You'll discover:
  • Trends in IIoT platforms
  • How and why you should expand your Analytics Framework
  • How to employ a layering approach to Advanced Analytics
  • What are the daunting challenges of data and how to connect disparate sources
  • How to measure the effectiveness of Advanced Analytics
  • The need for effectively integrating APM models
  • The growth of Digital Twins, APM, and Risk
  • How to utilize digital technologies to equip Connected Workers
If you want to take advantage of the tremendous potential for Industrial Transformation (IX) in the process and asset-intensive industries, download this eBook today.
Author Name: Joe Perino
Date: Aug 10, 2020

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