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[RECORDING] Understanding the Cost of Poor Execution (CoPE)

How do executives responsible for global quality prioritize what metrics are most important for their organization?  

During this quarterly Global Executive Council webcast, we focused on the Cost of Quality, specifically the Cost of Poor Execution (CoPE). Jd Marhevko, Vice President of Quality and Lean Systems at Accuride Corporation, a leading manufacturer of commercial vehicle components shared insight into her journey with calculating the Cost of Quality. 

During this webcast, Jd discuss the following topics: 

  • The concept of lagging and leading performance indicators for quality management
  • How to effectively measure Cost of Quality (CoQ), specifically the Cost of Poor Execution (CoPE)
  • Tools needed to measure CoQ/CoPE
  • Key learnings from her journey


Author Name: LNS Research, Jd Marhevko
Date: Aug 13, 2014

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