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[eBook] Jumpstart Digital Transformation with MES: The Road to Manufacturing Operations Maturity in the IIoT Age

Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): we are bombarded by new terms and hype that remind us daily of the rapidly changing world for manufacturers. Everyone can find an excuse for ignoring them but, be assured, it is not all hype. The world is changing faster than ever and manufacturers cannot afford to be left behind.

LNS Research has been studying the industrial software market for years and its researchers talk with hundreds of practitioners every year; there is one common theme – find a starting point for Digital Transformation. This eBook will show how manufacturing operations management (MOM) can be a low risk, high-value entry point for manufacturers that see manufacturing as a key part of Digital Transformation.

Author Name: Andrew Hughes
Date: Feb 15, 2018

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